I was tossing out the last of a bouquet I’d been given (yes, though I live and breathe flowers, I still like to receive ’em) and I got to thinking “Dratz! It would’ve been nice if it lasted longer!” But that’s the deal with flowers. They eventually have to kick it. I know this. I live this. But still, it sure would’ve been nice if at least some of it had survived; something I could keep going just a little longer. And there it was, a little “Aha!” moment for yours truly. Why not a bouquet that mixes both the beauty of the season’s cut flowers with some heartier living plants? A LIVING BOUQUET so to speak – well, at least in part. A bouquet where, once the last of the blooms fade, I could pull out and pot the remaining elements in say, a terrarium or dish garden. Its a classic bouquet with a sustainability twist in that its a gift that keeps on giving. I dunno. I just dig the mix!